Borygo Start

High-quality fluid and concentrate for vehicle radiators, designed for customers who value quality and cost-effective use.

Why is it worth it?

Car engine generates heat during operation. The purpose of the cooling system and the fluid in it is to ensure the engine has a proper operating temperature and maintain it at a constant level, regardless of the engine load. Cooling fluid in the cooling system, which is a heat transfer medium must prevent overheating and boiling in the summer and cannot freeze in the winter.

Although the coolant is one of the least frequently changed fluids, its insufficient amount in the cooling system or excessive consumption may lead to serious failures in the car. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check the radiator fluid, and if necessary, refilling. In addition to heat transfer, cooling fluid also ensures appropriate maintenance of the system. High quality coolant limits corrosion of engine parts and individual components of the cooling system, and prevents deposition of precipitates in this system. Radiator fluid also protects the engine against freezing and reduces cavitation (rapid conversion from the liquid to gas phase). It is therefore important to select a proper fluid and regularly take care of its condition and correct level.

Effective protection

Borygo Start contains pure ethylene glycol, which provides protection against frost up to -35°C. The content of performance chemicals provides complete protection for all cooling system components, including aluminium and sealing elements in the radiator. The highest quality is confirmed by a 5-year manufacturer's warranty.


Borygo Start radiator fluid is compatible with most other radiator fluids based on ethylene glycol. For complete protection against corrosion and deposition of precipitates in the cooling system, it is recommended to use Borygo fluid.

All-purpose radiator fluid

Borygo Start is intended for use in engine cooling systems of passenger cars and trucks.

Borygo is not only a known brand

BORYGO is a symbol that stands for good and reliable coolants, used for years in passenger cars and trucks. BORYGO offer is addressed not only to the individual customer, but also to companies and car, bus, tractors, and construction equipment manufacturing plants.

Automotive fluids — for radiators, washers, and brake fluids

A group of automotive products manufactured in Boryszew ERG, in addition to coolants, also includes specialized windscreen washer fluids Borygo for windscreen washing and brake fluids.

Fluids for the aviation sector

Recently, the Borygo family has expanded by products dedicated to the aviation sector, including de-icing fluids for aircraft surfaces and de-icing agents for runways.

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Boryszew S.A. Oddział Boryszew ERG w Sochaczewie
ul. 15 Sierpnia 106,  96-500 Sochaczew