plast stap

Patent for a new method of terephthalate preparation

Wednesday 27.03.2019

Boryszew S.A. Boryszew ERG Branch in Sochaczew has a patent for a new method for the preparation of bis (2-ethylhexyl) terephtalate.

The patent will allow the company to expand its product portfolio with products used, among others, for the manufacture of toys and other products made on the basis of PVC. New patent of Boryszew ERG is a response to the recall of bis(2-ethylhexyl) phtalate. The withdrawal of bis(2-ethylhexyl) phtalate is connected to the entry of this plasticiser in Appendix XIV to REACH as so called SVHC (substances of very high concern).

“Bis(2-ethylhexyl) terephtalate, method of production of which is covered by the patent, is a plasticiser of a new generation, a non-toxic, high performance compound of high quality and performance parameters. Its implementation eliminates the risk associated with the use of phtalate plasticisers due to their adverse effect on the human body and the environment. ”

— says Ireneusz Dusiński, one of the co-creators of the patented method.

“Having terephtalate in the product range allows us not only to maintain our current market position in the segment of PVC processing, but also to extend the scope of Boryszew activity to other market segments, where the use of phtalate was prohibited or restricted because of its harmful effects, e.g. for the production of toys or products in contact with food. More so, that currently in Poland there are only two terephtalate manufacturers. ”

— says Marlena Krohn, Managing Director of Boryszew S.A. ERG Boryszew Branch in Sochaczew