Aircraft de-icing fluid Borygo Plane GA Hurt - Boryszew ERG Aircraft de-icing fluid Borygo Plane GA Hurt - Boryszew ERG

Aircraft de-icing fluid Borygo Plane GA

Technologically advanced and effective de-icing fluid for aircraft in flight, based on ethylene glycol of high purity.

Meets the requirements of DTD 406B

Technologically advanced and effective de-icing fluid for aircraft in flight, based on ethylene glycol of high purity. Borygo Plane GA is used to prevent or control aircraft icing protection system equipped with TKS and type can also be used for de-icing on the ground.

Colour homogeneous liquid, clear to slightly straw-yellow
Flash-point >85°C
Crystallisation temperature > -40°C
pH 6,0 – 7,5

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Boryszew S.A. Oddział Boryszew ERG w Sochaczewie
ul. 15 Sierpnia 106,  96-500 Sochaczew

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