De-icing fluid for runways, Borygo Runway KF
Produkty dla sektora lotniczego
De-icing fluid preventing icing of runways, based on potassium formate. Technologically advanced and safe for the environment potassium formate-based product that facilitate removal of snow, frost, and ice from the surface of runways, taxiways and other maneuvering areas
Meets the requirements of AMS 1435 C/D
- causes rapid melting even at very low temperatures.
- has excellent de-icing properties and prevents the formation of an ice layer
- ensures maximum friction on the surface of a runway
- the product is biodegradable
- provides effective protection against corrosion due to its corrosion inhibitors content.
Chemical composition | 50% aqueous potassium formate solution comprising a corrosion inhibitor composition |
Appearance | Colourless, clear, and homogeneous liquid of a uniform colour, does not contain separated layers, lumps or foreign bodies |
Typical density | 1,34 – 1,35 g/cm3 |
pH | 10,7 (±0,5) |
Crystallisation temperature | 50 % solution (w/w) -15°C ready to use -60°C |
Material Safety Data Sheet | Size 878 kB | Download |
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Boryszew S.A. Oddział Boryszew ERG w Sochaczewie
ul. 15 Sierpnia 106, 96-500 Sochaczew