Borygo Anti Insect - Liquid for removing insects Hurt - Boryszew ERG Borygo Anti Insect - Liquid for removing insects Hurt - Boryszew ERG
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Borygo Anti Insect – Liquid for removing insects

Merciless for insects and bird droppings, safe for varnish and rubbers. Liquid for removing insects from your car.

Merciless against insects and bird droppings, safe for paintwork and rubbers. Liquid for removing insects from your car.

The preparation consists of carefully selected surfactants with high surface activity.

Product features:

  • removes insect residues
  • removes bird droppings
  • removes tree sap
  • safe for paint and rubbers


Safe for paintwork

Removes insects from car bodies and windows

110 years of tradition and experience

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Boryszew S.A. Oddział Boryszew ERG w Sochaczewie
ul. 15 Sierpnia 106,  96-500 Sochaczew

Automotive chemicals

Michał Wróblewski

Team Leader
Tel.: +48 608 500 298

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