Siding Hurt - Boryszew ERG Siding Hurt - Boryszew ERG


Facade siding made of PVC is a lightweight, aesthetic, and non-toxic material. Two types of panels: premium and standard, and a selection of finishing strips allow for the use in buildings of various constructions of purpose. Siding panels are made of the highest quality pure PVC, which ensures durability and unchanged appearance of the facade for many years without painting and maintenance.

Facade siding made of PVC is a lightweight, aesthetic, and non-toxic material. Two types of panels: premium and standard, and a selection of finishing strips allow for the use in buildings of various constructions of purpose. Siding panels are made of the highest quality pure PVC, which ensures durability and unchanged appearance of the facade for many years without painting and maintenance.

  • quick and easy execution of the facade of the house
  • finishing of a dormer / balcony / terrace
  • renovation of an old or unplastered building
  • attractive insulation of the building
  • can be used in various building structures
  • perfect for single-family, multi-storey, and commercial and industrial buildings
  • extremely durable – 50 years of warranty!
  • safe for health – does not contain lead compounds
  • non-flammable, resistant to adverse weather conditions
  • very easy to keep clean (just wash the facade with water and common detergents)
  • wide range of colours

Standard panel

  • panel length: 3,810 mm
  • panel width: 203.4 mm
  • thickness: 0.90 mm

Premium panel

  • panel length: 3810 mm
  • panel width: 203.4 mm
  • thickness: 0.97 mm
Type of strip Length [mm] Quantity in the packaging [number]
Starter strip 3050 40
Strip J1/2 3810 40
Strip H 3810 22
Strip F 33810 40
Wide strip J 3810 30
Cover strip 3810 20
Window strip 3390 12
Eaves strip 3810 80
Internal corner 3050 12
External corner 3050 10
Terminal strip 3810 40
Facade strip 3810 20

Perfect finish of the facade of your house

Use lightweight, aesthetic, and non-toxic material, which is siding. Two types of panels: premium and standard, and a selection of mounting and finishing strips allow for the use in buildings of various constructions of purpose. With the use polystyrene or mineral wool insulation in siding, you can save a significant amount of money on heating of the building.

Perfect finish of the facade of your house

Check the finishing strips

listwa f

Strip F

listwa fasadowa

Facade strip

listwa h

Strip H

listwa j szeroka

Wide strip J

listwa j

Strip J 1 2

listwa koncowa

Terminal strip

listwa maskujaca

Cover strip

listwa okapowa

Eaves strip

listwa przyokienna

Window strip

listwa startowa

Starter strip

naroznik wewnetrzny

Internal corner

naroznik wewnetrzny

External corner






















Durable and aesthetic facade for years

Durable and aesthetic facade for years

The use of polyvinyl chloride makes the siding facade durable, and does not require maintenance and painting throughout the period of use. The shape and texture of panels allow free flow of rain water and reduce deposition of dirt on the surface of the facade. Cleaning is not difficult either. For this, simply use water and a small amount of cleaning agents

Certificates, approvals, declarations

For each of the products we have certificates and Fire Classification issued by ITB for the spread of fire.

Hygienic Certificate No. HK/B/1108/01/2012

Hygienic Certificate No. HK/B/1108/01/2012

Declaration of performance no. 1/S/2014

Declaration of performance no. 1/S/2014

Complies with the requirements of PN-EN 13245-2: 2009

Complies with the requirements of PN-EN 13245-2: 2009

Mapa dystrybutorów

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Boryszew S.A. Oddział Boryszew ERG w Sochaczewie
ul. 15 Sierpnia 106,  96-500 Sochaczew

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