EPP packaging
Industrial packaging made of expanded polypropylene (EPP) for the transport of delicate items, for optimal protection during transport and storage.
EPP is a material used in the manufacture of reusable packaging, in particular where high elasticity at repeated static and dynamic load is required. The benefits of products made of EPP include good chemical resistance and low weight.
Properties of EPP are used in the reusable pallet system design. Can be used as packaging and pallet systems, and can be used as protection. EPP products have applications in many industries. Can be used as construction materials (e.g. in electronics industry and the automotive industry) or insulating materials
Can be used as packaging and pallet systems, and can be used as protection. EPP products have applications in many industries. Can be used as construction materials (e.g. in electronics industry and the automotive industry) or insulating materials Due to high energy absorption and a shape-memory, elements made of EPP can be used for the production of car parts, which are responsible for safety in vehicles, including car bumpers.
With the use of the highest quality raw materials, the products have many performance advantages, e.g.:
- shock resistance
- resistance to deformation
- low water absorption
- chemical resistance
- temperature resistance
- low weight
Customised solutions
At the request of our customers we develop and manufacture customised solutions for product protection. Using the properties of expanded polypropylene of high-quality, we guarantee optimum protection of products during transport and storage. We are prepared for the production of fittings of various sizes, shapes, we adapt and make new moulds according to the customer’s needs.

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Boryszew S.A. Oddział Boryszew ERG w Sochaczewie
ul. 15 Sierpnia 106, 96-500 Sochaczew