Opakowania przemysłowe
Durable, practical, and easy to clean packaging for the transport of fruit and vegetables
Punnets made of polypropylene dyed with concentrate are durable, practical and easy to clean packaging. Indispensable for the transport of soft fruits, vegetables and mushrooms. Their shape and construction details are not different from the traditional wooden packaging.
- Hygienic and physiologically neutral material, allows for washing or rinsing of fruit or vegetables, without having to remove them.
- Punnets can be stored in stacks without any limitations
- The product should be protected from long-term, direct sunlight.
- 5 litre capacity
- Length 380 mm
- Width 155 mm
- Height 125 mm
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Boryszew S.A. Oddział Boryszew ERG w Sochaczewie
ul. 15 Sierpnia 106, 96-500 Sochaczew